Covadonga López Iglesias is a Spanish author of (smart)chick lit. She was born in Salamanca (Spain) but she spenther youth in Alicante, where her family still lives.She studied Sociology in Alicante (Spain) and Political Sciencein Berlin (Germany). After working as a political analyst forher government, political institutes, internationalorganizations and private companies, she wrote her firstnovel "The last cigarette".Covadonga has worked and lived in the US, Spain,Luxembourg and Germany. Currently she lives with her husband in Berlin.
About the books
“13 with Alfred” Thrilled with anticipation Valerie gets ready to face the mostimportant moment of her life. It is the day in which she willreveal the discovery of the millennium to investors of thecompany where she has been working at since last summer,and of course this is not an exaggeration. Nevertheless, the elements of nature seem to be againstValerie’s plans and several misfortunes turn that morning intoa true hell. First of all, the way to the airport with apessimistic taxi driver drives Valerie almost crazy with hisprediction that the end of the world is near. Second, apowerful typhoon arrives in Illinois and sets the entirepopulation into a state of emergency and panic. And finally,the majority of the flights scheduled for that morning arecancelled. After hours of uncertainty, the airport informs passengersthat Valerie’s flight will be the last to take off on that day ofchaos and confusion. What she first understands as a strokeof luck turns hours later into a dreadful nightmare sinceValerie never reaches her wished destination. Instead she hasto spend a week with the most bizarre people that she hasever met in a dangerous village in Mexico. Acts of betrayal, conspiracies, friendships, romance,adventures and even a murder will take place during thosefrantic seven days. Will Valerie be able to survive? And themost important question of all: Will she finally get what she islooking for? “The Saga Progreso” “13 with Alfred” is the first novel in a series of three titled“The Saga Progreso.” The series mixes several literaturegenres: thriller, chick lit, contemporary women’s fiction andromantic comedy. Although readers do not necessarily needto read all three novels to understand the whole story, thosewho read the first and the second novels of the series will getto know some of the characters that play a role in the thirdone.“The Saga Progreso” is about the pursuit of happiness. Italso makes readers think about some of the important issuesin our lives - always, however, from a humorous, zeitgeisty, naughty and, above all, touching standpoint.
"The last cigarette" tells the story of four youngwomen and their inexorably search for “Mr. Right”. Itaddresses issues of modern womanhood, oftenhumorously and lightheartedly. Despite of sometragedies and some kind of blows of fate, the fourcharacters of this book do not lose their sense of humorand hope. This hilarious novel is aimed at modernwomen, who are not afraid of taking risky steps toachieve their dreams and goals.